The Handcrafted Lyrics

“When the melody is set, I picture a blueprint of the perfect lyrics in my mind, as if the song has already been written. In theory of course, all I then have to do is make out the print and unravel all of the words. In reality though, I might only be able to make out a single word here and there, but at least I have a clear direction.

To solve the blueprint-puzzle I ask a lot of questions. Most importantly “Why?” and “What fundamental needs must to be met by the lyrics?”. The goal is to make a real, genuine contact with the listener and resonate within them. To move the audience so much that they WANT to get the message. And in this quest, I believe my unique background is of great value.

I am NOT just a traditional Musician writing words, mainly to fill the void. I am a professional Communicator working with music. I chose my education because to me music is ALL about communication. Expression and impression in every sense. It baffles me that music schools often teach chords more than communication. When really, all we want to do with our songs is make a connection.”